Registered Massage Therapy with Tracy


Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is the most traditional form of massage. This ‘classic’ treatment is designed to promote circulation, reduce muscle tension, relieve trigger points, and can be customized to whatever your body needs.

1-hour $98
45 mins $80
30 mins $65

*Prices do not include HST


Serenity Massage

Serenity massage is a Swedish massage, with the addition of essential oils for a luxurious aromatherapy massage. Oils are diluted and applied directly to the skin, to promote relaxation, physical and mental well being. Aromatherapy has been known to improve mood and relieve anxiety.

1-hour $105

*Prices do not include HST

Zen Massage

Zen massage is a Swedish massage with a wonderful combination of techniques. It has a little bit of Reiki, Fascial stretching and is finished with some lymphatic drainage to the head/neck/face. It will leave you feeling like you are floating on a cloud.

1-hour $98

*Prices do not include HST